Tips on How to Find and Prepare For the Perfect Career

Knowing your skills, capabilities and limitations is essential.


Knowing your strengths and weaknessescan help you find thecareer that best suits you. The more honest you are with yourself, the more able you’ll be to find an occupation where you can perform successfully. When your skills and capabilities are aligned with the work you do, you’re more likely to be happy in your position.

Adversely, if your skills and capabilities do not match the career you have, any incentives, such as health benefits or great pay, may be short-lived or may not provide the satisfaction you thought they would. Your perfect career should be one where you can perform all of the essential duties required of you. Employers want an employee who not only has the skills, but also knows how to use those skills.

Before you do anything else, make sure that your skills and capabilitiesallow you to perform well in the career you want. 


Finding a career is a full time job.


If you really want to find the career you’re looking for, you have to consistently search every day; you have to be on it all the time until you get it.  Search for it online, network with people and apply yourself. Stay organized and keep track of everyone you talk to and every career you apply for. It also helps to create a separate resume for each career you want.

By creating your resumes properly and making sure that each resume matches the advertised position, you will end up with a lot of resumes which can be very helpful if you have many different skills, capabilities and interests. Keeping these resumes organized and handy will make it very easy for you to tell recruiters exactly why you applied for the positions they call you about. Always be prepared to make a great impression.


Be patient. It may take a while to find your perfect career.


Looking for a great career can take a long time and lots of hard work, especially if you don’t know anyone in the industry that can help you. In addition, not every recruiter or hiring manager will like you even though you may feel that you’re the perfect candidate for the job.

Therefore, you have to be patient and wait for what is yours. Remain confident and calm regardless of how long it takes to find the perfect career. If your need to work part-time or volunteer somewhere else while you’re looking for your perfect career, so be it.

Remain hopeful and diligent. When your ideal career does contact you, focus on representing yourself well over the phone or in emails so you can be invited to an interview. If you are calm, confident and authentic, you will most likely be asked to come for a face-to-face interview, which is exactly what you’ve been waiting for.


Be well-prepared for every interview.


There are some opportunities that you only get once. So, when the time comes for face-to face interviews, make sure that you’re prepared. Research every company you apply to as well as every position you apply for. You may be familiar with common interview questions, but it’s still a great idea to practice answering some of themas a warm up.

Going to an interview is like competing in a sporting event. You have to be ready to win and you should prepare yourself in order to stand the best chance at winning.


Making a great impression is the key to landing your perfect career.


In order to make a great impression at every interview, you must do well or excellent during the entire interview. How do you do that? First of all, remind yourself before you step into the building or office that there is nothing to be nervous about.

If you’re being yourself and you know everything you need to know about the position and the company,don’t let the interviewer intimidate you. It does not mean that you have to be cocky, but be confident, authentic, and professional. You want them to know you’re a person that people can work with and get along with.

You also want them to know you’re a person that can get the job done. Remember, the hiring managers want to hire an asset just as much as you want to get hired. Since it isn’t easy to land a great career, it isn’t easy to find a great candidate either. Show that you are that great candidate, you are that valuable asset.


Don’t stop, now. Keep applying for opportunities and going to interviews.


No matter how great your interviews go, keep going to prospective ones as other companies call you. Don’t stop looking until you are hired by one of the companies that you interviewed with. Some companies take longer than others in their hiring process even if they like you.

Therefore, your job is to keep on making great impressions as you interview with different companies. Make sure you follow up with everyone you interview with in the near future. Keep up the good work. Before you know it, you’ll find what you’re looking for.
