LookPrior Marketplace For Businesses

LookPrior Marketplace is launching soon to an app store near you. This means that the first Classifieds Ads Marketplace with video will be available shorly! In addition to the video component, features like additional storage space, selling from multiple locations, and urgent sale– where you can give your ad an extra boost—make this app dynamic and capable.

This post though, will focus on what a solid LookPrior Marketplace account can do for a small to mid-sized business. As mentioned previously, LookPrior has a video function. This is a great opportunity for any business to show off their services.

If you’re a painter, instead of classic “before and after pictures,” why not a before and after video that shows customers what it will be like when you are inside of their homes? The Coronavirus pandemic has made consumers extra weary about letting people into their spaces, even to do necessary work. Use LookPrior as a way to show customers that you are safe, reliable, and trustworthy.

Do you give lessons of any kind? Music, yoga, singing, etc.? Again, LookPrior is the perfect place to showcase your business. Instead of just a flier or image, that, in reality tells the consumer nothing about the experience they are going to receive, post a video introducing yourself to potential customers. Let them know the kind of services they are going to be paying for—whether it be online or in person. 

Let’s say you have an apartment for rent, or a home for sale. Use the free classified ads on LookPrior to create a virtual tour of the space for people to see. Again, especially during the coronavirus pandemic, this is a great tool! 

One more industry that I could see greatly benefiting from LookPrior Marketplace is that of used cars and other vehicles. There are so many question marks when it comes to buying a used car that cannot be answered by just a few pictures. Having actual videos of the cars running, so the customers can know what the ignition sounds like and what the engine sounds like will add so much trust to the buying process. 

Honestly, the possibilities for this platform are so vast and that is one of the reasons that I decided to join the LookPrior project. I could even see companies using the app as a platform to create commercials or targeted advertisements.

You could post job listings and Help Wanted ads in addition to the obvious of being able to post new and used items for sale. Because LookPrior allows you to link ads to other websites, it could easily be the way by which a potential customers finds your actual business site. In many ways, this is a better marketplace than Craigslist! 

 Since the app is currently not out, it might be a bit hard to imagine what this blog entry is proposing. However, in the coming weeks it will launch. When it does, be ready to take advantage of video classified ads and a new way to market your business!

