Let everyone know about your flower business! LookPrior gives your floral shop a new identity, more visibility, and thousands of customers to appreciate your work. Join LookPrior forflorists and take your business to all-new heights.
LookPrior is the answer to modern flower business challenges. We can potentially edge your venture and help you touch new levels of sales. Establishing a digital business is a matter of a few taps with LookPrior.
Not many flower businesses are online. LookPrior can digitize your business and help you lead the industry
More customers can know your brand exists and place an order
Use our online platform to promote your floral products before leads and potential customers
Do your potential buyers know you exist? It’s time to establish your presence by joining the largest flower marketplace. LookPrior helps your business appear before thousands of online buyers and grab all opportunities.
Listing and classifying flowers on LookPrior is simple. It’s a new-age platform and offers a gamut of features to take your business to the next level.
Your listings don’t just stay on your website. We make sure they’re viewed by thousands of customers every day. You plant the seed and we make sure it has the right conditions to grow
LookPrior is the ultimate marketplace for florists. We have curated a dedicated online platform for flower businesses to showcase their craft and attract new buyers within minutes.
Track your listings and communicate with your buyers using any device from anywhere. LookPrior has web and mobile apps to ensure you never miss out on any opportunity.
Build shopper confidence and increase engagement
Improve your search rankings
Drive more leads and generate new customers
lower shops that reply on time and answer customer queries have the highest engagements. Using LookPrior marketplace, you can rely on in-built chats and calls to deliver optimum customer services.
Plant the seed of your online flower shop on LookPrior. Our marketplace features will nurture it as it grows!
We have personalized the flower marketplace for you. Our elite set of features help you establish a robust web presence through advanced services like:
Logo design
Website design
LookPrior is the optimum platform to launch and grow your online flower business. Join LookPrior and enjoy optimum growth and visibility.